Thursday, 20 June 2019

Natural Pest Control Tips for Ants

Ants are one ancient insect type. Now if we see the family of ants it is very vast. Most dangerous ones live in the forest. But there are many other types of ants which live in our houses. They dig deep holes in the edges of the tiles of flooring, they dig the soil near the root of some plants and many other places in and around our house. Ant may be small in size but the damage it causes could be drastic and hard to recover. Many times ant even eat fabric and leave big holes in it. When a less effective ant bites it may be not that painful, but not all ants are like this. There are many ants whose bites will be painful. Which cause ant infestation. That is the reason why pest control is a must. So why to give ants that chance, the ant removal specialists has come up with many natural Pest Control Methods. The natural products which will keep the ants away suggested by the expert are lemon juice, cinnamon, peppermint, vinegar and water with liquid dish wash. 

Following are The Products That Can Keep Ants Away

Lemon juice: Lemon juice has a strong acidic nature. This will help to get rid of ants. Not only lemon juice also the lemon peel will help.

Application of lemon juice is effortless. Cut one or two lemons. Squeeze the juice out of it. Store this juice in a bottle. And sprinkle it around the house. You can also pour this juice into the holes where ants were found digging the place. This juice having acidic content will kill the track of any. Ants are known to follow a traveling track when we observe when they move in a line. This acid will destroy that path and ants will eventually lose its track and get away from that place. Also, use the lemon peels to hold lemon juice in it. Place these peels in places where ants are mostly found.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is one of the most effective ant removal products to get rid of ants.

Application: Cinnamon can be used in powdered form and also cinnamon oil can be used. Sprinkle the cinnamon around the house to keep ants away. If you have cinnamon oil then put a few drops in areas which are mostly affected by ants.

To make it more effective mix cinnamon powder or cinnamon oil with crushed clove, to act more strongly against ants.

Peppermint: Peppermint is known for its aroma. And this can be used as a strong ant repellent.

Application: Spray the peppermint oil inside the house and also can be used outside the house. Pour the oil in the ant holes found outside the house.

Can also plant mint plants. Which will keep ants away from the garden and will not harm any plant which is near to the mint plant.

Vinegar: This works similar to that of the lemon juice. It will also kill the track of the ants in which they are moving. When this track is removed then the ants will go directionless and will never dare to return to the place they find vinegar.

Liquid dish with water: The liquid dish wash with water will kick the ants away easily.

Mix liquid dish wash with water to reduce its concentration and store it in a spray bottle. Now spray this formulation in the required places.

These are the most effective natural pest control products recommended by By Pest Control Brisbane experts for ant removal.

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